Notes on a Permeable Husk
Notes on a Permeable Husk
In collaboration with Juan Hurtado Salazar
Hales Project Room
64 Delancey St, New York
Throughout the month of November, the Hales Project Room will function as an experimental space and host a concentric series of exhibitions, workshops, and discussions.
From zine-making and building a relational map of our belongings to a week-long listening and collaborative porcelain installation, the Project Room will act as a site of exchange for physical, emotional, and somatic knowledge.
Notes on a Permeable Husk will culminate in an assemblage of all materials made and gathered through the month’s events, re/presented to grant each object new context and meaning.
Juan Hurtado Salazar is an artist, designer, and educator based in Philadelphia. He studies how objects, architecture, and storytelling frame how we communicate, synthesize, and determine potentials. He believes that by manipulating the premise of how we approach materials, spaces, and narratives we can make way for pluralism, untethering language for defining alternative presents—and futures.
Opening Reception, Annotations, 1 November, 6 – 8pm
Stop by the Project Room for Notes on a Permeable Husk’s opening reception, Annotations. Meet some of the artists participating in the project. Have a chat, ask a question, answer a question, and help contribute to defining the trajectory of the space throughout the month.
Phoebe Bachman, How to Get Along Better Together, 3 November (2 – 4pm) & 10 November (1 – 4pm)
Join us in our temporary laboratory of investigating our “belongings”: the movement from being an individual self to “be longing” in relation to each other (i.e. other communities, another person, an object, or an urgency). Learning and understanding our “belongings” allows us to actively question and imagine how we are in relation to one another, our surrounding world, and structures of power.
We will identify and map our belongings, using collage to illustrate these multiple connections. Come alone, bring a loved one, or meet a stranger in the space. Take your collage home as a keepsake and leave a copy to help create a relational map that embodies our new network of affinity.
Judith Leemann, Reading Aloud, 6 – 9 November, 1 – 6pm
Stop by the Project Room and listen to excerpts from Judith Leeman’s Reading Aloud series. Hear moments of Seedplot, Relations Relations Relations, and Correspondence Course. The audio consists of passages of text stripped of citation, fitted one into the next and framed into loops of almost-story. With audio acting as a shared dream state, relax and ruminate. Make a drawing or two, or not. Leave one take one, take none leave two, take two leave none; all are artifacts of the shared experience of interpretation.
Kat Richards, Zine for a Zine, 17 – 18 November, 2 – 5pm
Join artist Kat Richards in a zine-making workshop. Learn various techniques for constructing zines and make an edition that teaches a skill. A copy of each resulting zine will be left in the Project Room as an educational resource for future readers.
Natalie Kuenzi, In Bloom, 24 – 25 November, 1 – 5pm
Spend time with Natalie Kuenzi as she uses the Project Room as a makeshift studio. By blending local clay and soils to add color into porcelain and forming them into flowers, join Natalie in creating an installation of artifacts documenting collective touch and geography.
Art Hoe Collective, Foundations, 20 November – 7 December, 1 – 6pm
(Closed for Thanksgiving from 22 – 23 November)
Group event, 25 November, 1 – 5pm
Beginning on Tuesday, November 20th, stop in and see the work of the young artists that Art Hoe Collective has shown on its Instagram profile since its inception. On Sunday November 25th from 1 – 5pm, hang out with Art Hoe and participate in a group discussion. Stick around and join in on a collaborative installation facilitated by artist Natalie Kuenzi.
Notes on a Permeable Husk: 3 December – 7 December, 11am – 6pm
Closing reception, 7 December, 6 – 8pm