Hales and Monique Meloche are pleased to announce that the Whitney Museum of American Art have acquired …a possum rises…a black bear falls...a pattoo takes watch…as children whisper through the leaves (2019) by Ebony G. Patterson. The work has joined the ongoing exhibition Making Knowing: Craft in Art, 1950–2019 at the museum which runs until February 2022. This exhibition foregrounds how visual artists have explored the materials, methods, and strategies of craft over the past seven decades.
…a possum rises…a black bear falls...a pattoo takes watch…as children whisper through the leaves (2019) is exemplary of Patterson’s monumental collages which continue her explorations of gardens as sites both real and imagined, in relation to the procurement and legacies of postcolonial space. “I am interested in how gardens – natural but cultivated settings – operate with social demarcations. I investigate their relationship to beauty, dress, class, race, the body, land and death.” (Patterson, 2018)
Ebony G. Patterson
Making Knowing: Craft in Art, 1950–2019
Whitney Museum of American Art
99 Gansevoort Street
New York, NY 10014
On view until February 2022
For more information please visit the Whitney website here.