Hew Locke - New publication | How do you want me?

Hew Locke - New publication | How do you want me?
In How Do You Want Me?, Hew Locke investigates the links between personal and national identity. Having grown up in Guyana, a former British colony in Latin America, he conveys the tension between the contemporary English society and its colonial past with works assembling eccentrics objects - plastic weapons for children, false pearl necklaces, fake diamonds, dolls and flowers. He puts himself on show and adopts the codes of colourful clothing belonging to the characters of his childhood or of those of Brixton, the area of London known as the capital of the British Caribbean community. "Fascinated by the idea of a messed-up kind of beauty", Hew Locke constructs a gallery of sinister characters, corrupt kings, tyrants and bandits with evocative names - Lord of the Dance, Harbinger, Congo Man, etc. - thus creating his own culture, his own universe.
How do you want me? is published by Editions Jannink and the 77th book in their L'art en écrit collection. There are 285 copies each numbered and 15 copies marked H.C. where a signed individual and original art work is inserted into each book.
September 21, 2009