Gray Wielebinski | One Hundred Baseball Cards | Baron Books

Hales is thrilled to announce Gray Wielebinski's debut artist publication One Hundred Baseball Cards is now available to order at Baron Books.
One Hundred Baseball Cards draws on both ancient and contemporary myths that exist in our daily lives. Collage is an essential mode of making for Wielebinski, who is drawn to its power to subvert or create context and meanings from what already exists.

An avid collector since childhood, Wielebinski's source material is baseball cards. He transforms these emblems of American sport into a new collector's item - an artwork. Keeping the scale of the original cards creates intimacy, inviting the viewer to look closely and deconstruct their relationship to this familiar object. Leather, fur, threads and nail polish punctuate the works surface. Using textiles and sewn decorative elements layered onto sportsman's bodies, the series plays with the status of craft as a traditionally feminine mode of making.

Gray Wielebinski 
One Hundred Baseball Cards
Baron Books 
August 23, 2022