Sarah Faux
How do you know what love is, 2022
Oil on canvas
177.8 x 203.2 x 3.8 cm
70 x 80 x 1 1/2 in
70 x 80 x 1 1/2 in
Faux lets images come to the surface and slip away just as easily, taking pleasure in their unraveling. From this in-between place, an intense yearning for touch. In this painting...
Faux lets images come to the surface and slip away just as easily, taking pleasure in their unraveling. From this in-between place, an intense yearning for touch. In this painting fingers grasp and come together but the picture is never fully realised, remaining seductively out of reach. In her tightly cropped composition, Faux delves into the interior, uncovering how much of our sensory lives occur beneath the skin.