Hales Gallery is pleased to announce a six-month programme dedicated to Carolee Schneemann at The Artist's Institute in New York.
The Artist’s Institute is a research institute and experimental platform for contemporary art in New York City. The Institute dedicates each six-month programme to a single artist whose work becomes the occasion for a series of exhibitions, public programs, and graduate seminars with leading contemporary thinkers. From February 13th to August 2nd, the Artist’s Institute will dedicate its programme to Carolee Schneemann’s expanded conception of the body as a material, exploring its extensions and versatility. The six-month season will be divided into five parts, each following a single through-line in Schneemann’s ideas and process, including her use of dreams, intimate relationships, and inter-species communication.
Carolee Schneemann
The Artist's Institute
13 February - 2 August 2015
163 Eldridge Street
New York CIty, NY 10002